Absolute Relativism

By Jay Brunelle

The readers of this publication comprise an ever-shrinking remnant of intelligent, educated, culturally-aware, informed, freedom-loving and -defending sovereign citizens, who comprehend the myriad erroneous philosophical presuppositions that lie at the heart of so much of the rhetoric and sophistry of the liberal left. Pope Benedict XVI couldn’t have been more on point when, at the commencement of his pontificate, he identified this era of human history as being dominated by the “Dictatorship of Relativism”. He perfectly assessed and diagnosed society’s gravest malady as the rejection of Natural Law ethics, which correctly recognizes and provides the ultimate rationale for objective, universal and absolute moral norms; as opposed to purely subjective, particular, and relative moral opinions. And just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse, Moral Relativism has given birth to what I call “Absolute Relativism”. My purpose in identifying this ultimate philosophical skepticism by the name, Absolute Relativism, is to underscore the utterly moronic, and, more precisely, oxymoronic nature of this civilization-ending, leftist agenda.

Absolute Relativism can be defined as the outgrowth and logical conclusion of postmodernism. It is, therefore, the rejection of not just moral truth (while that particular point certainly remains a hallmark, characteristic “truth”, dare I implicitly point out the sheer lunacy) but rather a wholescale repudiation of both epistemological and metaphysical reality. It necessarily denies the three laws of thought: the Law of Non-Contradiction (a thing cannot simultaneously be “X” and “not X”, at the same time, and in the same respect); the Law of Identity (a thing is what it is, and is not something else); and, the Principle of the Excluded Middle (For every proposition, either this proposition, or its negation, is true); all of which are absolutely necessary for, and fundamental to, any and all logical thought and/or communication. The practical, real-world consequence of this is precisely what we’re witnessing today: the inability of the left to define very basic words and concepts, such as, “woman”.

The Escalating Dystopia: Unveiling the Orwellian Dimensions of Life in the US and Western Europe

(Ironically enough, this very article was, itself, written entirely by Artificial Intelligence; specifically, Open AI, ChatGPT, Iteration 3.5!!)


George Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece, “1984,” envisioned a chilling society characterized by surveillance, manipulation, and the suppression of individuality. Today, an increasing number of observers argue that elements of this dystopia are creeping into the fabric of life in both the United States and Western Europe. This essay aims to delve into the various aspects of modern society that exhibit Orwellian characteristics, demonstrating the erosion of privacy, the rise of surveillance culture, the manipulation of information, and the growing threats to individual freedom and autonomy. Through a careful analysis of multiple examples, we will shed light on the unsettling trajectory towards an Orwellian future.

I. Erosion of Privacy

A fundamental pillar of individual freedom is the right to privacy, yet recent developments indicate a disconcerting erosion of this crucial aspect of life.

a. Mass Surveillance: Governments, aided by advanced technologies, have exponentially expanded their surveillance capabilities. The U.S. National Security Agency’s (NSA) mass surveillance programs, such as PRISM, and Western European counterparts like the United Kingdom’s GCHQ, have been exposed for their indiscriminate monitoring of citizens’ communications. This violation of privacy bears a striking resemblance to the ubiquitous surveillance described in Orwell’s dystopia.

b. Corporate Data Collection: Private entities, driven by the hunger for profit and control, have amassed extensive amounts of personal data. Companies like Facebook and Google have been involved in controversies regarding data breaches and unauthorized use of user information. This invasion of privacy perpetuates an Orwellian narrative, where citizens are subjected to constant scrutiny and manipulation.

II. Surveillance Culture

Surveillance has become deeply ingrained in modern society, fostering a culture of suspicion and compliance reminiscent of Orwell’s fictional world.

a. CCTV proliferation: Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras have become a ubiquitous presence in public spaces. While intended to enhance security, they also foster a sense of constant surveillance and create an environment of self-censorship and conformity. Individuals may refrain from expressing dissenting opinions or engaging in activities deemed ‘suspicious,’ out of fear of reprisal.

b. Social Media Monitoring: Social media platforms act as virtual panopticons, where every click, like, or comment is monitored and analyzed. Users’ behaviors are tracked, their preferences are scrutinized, and their actions are increasingly used to manipulate their choices and beliefs. This all-encompassing surveillance instills a sense of self-policing, where individuals become cautious about their online presence to avoid potential repercussions.

III. Manipulation of Information

The control and manipulation of information play a pivotal role in constructing an Orwellian society, and contemporary developments bear an eerie resemblance to this dystopian characteristic.

a. Fake News and Disinformation: The proliferation of fake news, disinformation campaigns, and algorithmic echo chambers has distorted the public’s perception of reality. Orwell’s notion of “doublethink” finds parallels in the deliberate spreading of conflicting narratives, confusing the public and making it challenging to discern fact from fiction. This manipulation undermines the foundations of a well-informed citizenry, hindering critical thinking and civic engagement.

b. Media Consolidation and State Control: The concentration of media ownership in the hands of a few conglomerates poses a significant threat to diverse perspectives and independent journalism. This consolidation of media outlets limits the range of information available to the public, enabling governments and powerful entities to control narratives and suppress dissenting voices. Such control of information creation and dissemination echoes the Ministry of Truth from Orwell’s dystopia.

IV. Threats to Individual Freedom and Autonomy

Orwellian elements are evident in the encroachments upon individual freedom and the erosion of personal autonomy within contemporary societies.

a. Increasing Government Power: The expansion of governmental powers under the pretext of national security has led to curtailments of civil liberties. Surveillance laws, mass data collection, and targeted policing all contribute to an environment where citizens feel increasingly monitored and regulated, challenging their freedom of expression and right to privacy.

b. Technological Advancements and Social Control: Technological advancements, such as facial recognition, biometric data collection, and predictive algorithms, are increasingly deployed by governments and corporations for social control purposes. These tools enable the identification, tracking, and profiling of individuals, undermining their ability to act independently and fostering a culture of conformity for fear of repercussions.


As we reflect upon the state of affairs in both the United States and Western Europe, it becomes increasingly apparent that life is indeed taking on dystopian and Orwellian dimensions. The erosion of privacy, the rise of surveillance culture, the manipulation of information, and the threats to individual freedom and autonomy all contribute to an unsettling trajectory. By recognizing these trends, we can critically engage with the challenges they present and strive to protect the fundamental values that underpin free and democratic societies. Only through awareness and proactive efforts can we safeguard ourselves from a future that eerily resembles Orwell’s grim imagination.

Alleged Apparition of Blessed Virgin Mary, In Kenya, During Holy Mass… Captured by Video!

Our Most Holy Mother is so graciously appearing to Her many children, throughout the globe! Let us give thanks and praise to God, Our Heavely Father; His Beloved Son, and Our Lord Jesus Christ;w and the Most Holy Spirit, the Gift of God’s Divine Love, for permitting Mary Immaculate to continue Her magnificent visitations to us, Her wayward and sinful children. It is the personal conviction of this writer that, just as the natural presence of the Blessed Virgin on Earth, some 2,000 years ago, preceded the First Coming of Christ, in like fashion are these current supernatural visitations of Our Spiritual Mother both preceding and preparing us for the Second and Glorious Coming of Christ, in all His splendor and glory. Certainly, we await the final judgment of the authentic Magisterium regarding all these issues, and pledge unconditional assent of intellect and will to the definitive theological conclusions of Holy Mother Church.

Video footage of Our Lady appearing at the beginning of Holy Mass, February, 2023, in Kenya.

Two Worlds Collided. . . !

I must say I was more than delighted when I came across two of my favorite intellectuals conversing with each other!

I’ve been reading the brilliant works of Peter Kreeft for many years now, having stumbled across his book, “Fundamentals of the Faith,” when I was 18 – one year after a life-altering pilgrimage to Medjugorje. It was through Medjugorje that Our Lord, Jesus Christ, by way of His and our Most Holy Mother, Mary Immaculate, had truly and definitively captured, and taken possession of, my heart. Yet, my head was still clouded with questions of every sort. Until this period in my life, I was completely ignorant of the discipline of Christian Apologetics, which consists in the study of logical arguments, which provide sound, philosophical reasons for accepting Christianity as not only sound and logical, in its own right, but truly the best possible belief system for any man or woman. Hence, while Jesus and Mary had captured my heart, they used their gifted son, Dr. Peter J. Kreeft, to convince my head, by answering so many questions that remained – questions to which I had no idea there were answers! Dr. Kreeft’s marvelous above-mentioned book, which just happened to be standing on a small rack of books outside the main office of the Newman Center, on the UMass Amherst campus, caught my eye. The cover of this particular book is very subdued; I now know it was the Holy Spirit prompting me to pick up this book, in answer to my prayer for knowledge, wisdom and understanding, concerning this new reality, which had taken such loving possession of my heart and soul, and which was about to take complete and total possession of my mind, as well!

Fast forward 28 years, and, as a Licensed Mental Health and Pastoral Counselor, my two favorite academics have finally met. My love for Philosophy, Theology and Psychology, for the Mysteries of God and the Human Person, are being discussed by two of the most outstanding and gifted minds of our times. Let us watch, together, the fireworks display that shall below take place!!

Jordan Peterson’s Brilliant Analysis of the Cultural and Political Insanity of the West, on the Brink of Self Destruction

“COVID19: Globalism’s Perfect Storm,” Must See Video by Michael Matt

Yes, these are serious times; and yes, we should be taking whatever measures necessary to prevent the spread of the Covid19 illness. Yet, after conducting a very small amount of independent research, this reporter has come across some stats that seem to fly directly in the face of the mainstream media’s narrative. For instance, amidst all the panic and fear-mongerig that is taking place on every news station on television, have you heard anything about the actual statistic that literally 98% of Covid19 patients make a full and complete recovery?! That certainly doesn’t square with the panic-inducing, 24/7 media coverage that this “super pandemic” has somehow given rise to. Please, don’t misunderstand me. In no way am I denying the reality of Covid19, or the serious dangers it poses to certain more vulnerable populations – such as the very young, the elderly, and persons with pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, compromised immune systems, et cetera. Yet, I did a very simple Google search, using the search terms, “comparing Covid19 to the Flu”. Up came the illustrious John’s Hopkins website, which provided a comparison of the two illnesses, including stats on numbers of those infected over a given span, and numbers of deaths from the respective illnesses over a given span. Here’s what the website says about Infections and Deaths:


COVID-19: Approximately 2,911,209 cases worldwide; 939,249 cases in the U.S. as of Apr. 26, 2020.*

Flu: Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.


COVID-19: Approximately 203,432 deaths reported worldwide; 53,934 deaths in the U.S., as of Apr. 26, 2020.*

Flu: 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year.”


Is it me, or do these numbers seem drastically out of proportion to what mainstream media has been reporting?!

Michael Matt of the Remnant has created a fantastic video on this very issue. I highly recommend that you watch and share this with all your family & friends.

Blessings in the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary!

Conspiracy “Theory” or Conspiracy Reality? “The Vortex” Provides a Voice of Reason in the Midst of Madness

Please support LifeSiteNews.com in their urgent appeal to bishops of the world by signing petition to restore Sacraments!

This petition was created by, and originally posted on, LifeSiteNews.com; specifically, https://lifepetitions.com/petition/urgent-appeal-to-the-bishops-of-the-world-feed-your-flock

Please SIGN this petition, asking our bishops to work tirelessly to find creative and safe ways to restore, to us, their flock, the sacraments through which our Blessed Lord’s sanctifying graces flow.


Catholic Bishops Make Historic Easter Sunday Appeal to Pope Francis to Declare 5th Marian Dogma

In view of the collective and  unprecedented challenges imposed upon all persons and nations via the novel Coronavirus-19 pandemic, as well as the potentially catastrophic blow to the global economy that may constitute the aftermath of this heretofore unseen crisis, Bishops of the Catholic Church are collegialy calling upon Pope Francis to exercise his uniquely Petrine charism to dogmatically declare and define Mary as Co-Redemptrix with Christ,  Mediatrix of All Graces, and Advocate for the People of God.